‘Mahayana Ground, Path & Fruition’ – Teachings on ZOOM by Lopon Rigzin Losal
December 9, 2023
Oct 14th – Dec 9th – Saturday mornings from 9:30 -11:00 am (except Nov 25th)
The Ottawa Palyul Centre is delighted to once again host a teaching by Lopon Rigzin Losal, one of Namdroling’s advanced English-speaking monastic teachers. He will take us through a text that explains the Ground of Reality by showing how the two Truths (Relative and Ultimate) are established. Then the Path to Liberation which covers the two accumulations of Merit and Wisdom, the five stages on the journey beginning with the path of accumulation, and the ten levels of spiritual development (Bhumis). Finally he will explain the result, the Fruition of practice in the five ‘bodies’ (manifestations of Buddhahood), the five kinds of wisdom and other qualities of enlightenment. Lopon will teach from a draft text prepared by Khenpo Sonam Tsewang specifically for teachings on ‘Mahayana Ground, Path & Fruition’.
- Zoom link: HERE – Meeting ID: 897 2380 1864 – Passcode: Namdroling