LOSAR - Bum Gyur Dawa (100,000 month) - Year of the Wood Dragon - No inhouse practice - Click for times & Zoom link at NYC
February 10, 2024
Saturday Feb 10th - 9am- 10am
Losar is the first day of the first month of the New Year - also known as Bum Gyur Dawa (100,000 month). The lunar month goes from new moon to new moon. In this 1st month of the Tibetan New Year the karmic results of all actions both positive and negative are multiplied by 100,000. The first 15 days of Losar commemorates the miracles that the Buddha performed to instil faith and devotion in the Dharma, so these days February 10 - 25 are considered especially auspicious for practice.
Please join NYC for their practices at this auspicious time
- Saturday Feb 10th - 9am- 10am
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82715263353?pwd=UmZoM1ZIalJsWnR3TWZKMWg5RFcyQT09
Meeting ID: 827 1526 3353 Passcode: Guru