H. E. Gyangkhang Khentrul Rinpoche

H. E. Gyangkhang Khentrul RinpocheOne of the three Heart Sons of HH Penor Rinpoche, the Fourth Gyangkhang Rinpoche was born in India. H.H. Penor Rinpoche, H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche recognized him as the authentic incarnation of the Third Gyangkhang Rinpoche.

At the age of four, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche invited him to stay in Namdroling Monastery and thereafter looked after him as his own child. When he was 15, he received the esoteric teachings of Tantra thus laying the foundation for the higher practices. He entered Ngagyur Nyingma Institute (Shedra), a branch of Namdroling Monastery and an advanced college of Tibetan Buddhism where he studied general Buddhist Philosophy as well as the distinct Nyingma Teachings. He also studied Tibetan grammar, poetry, and Tibet’s political and religious history.

In his fifth year in his university, Gyangkhang Rinpoche displayed his scriptural knowledge by giving a lengthy discourse on Sangwa Nyingpo (Magical Net Tantra, a Mahayoga Teaching) in front of His Holiness The Fourteen Dalai Lama and an assembly of thirty thousand people both lay and ordained from all the different religious traditions of Tibet. He also debated on this subject and emerged victorious. His Holiness the Dalai Lama praised his wisdom in front of all and offered him a khata, a traditional scarf, encouraging him to hold, sustain and disseminate the teachings of Lord Buddha for the benefits of all beings.

In 1994, under the Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya, Gyangkhang Rinpoche received the vows of full ordination from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. At that time, he was given the name Thupten Mawai Nyima Jigme Singye Chogle Nampar Gyalwai De. In 1995, he completed the nine years course in the institute and considering his high level of knowledge, Penor Rinpoche bestowed on him the title of a “Tulku Khenpo” and recognized him as a worthy dharma teacher who can guide others towards the path of enlightenment. At present, Gyangkhang Rinpoche is the Abbot of Namdroling monastery in South India.